Latest Episodes

Ep.117-Parshas Beshalach-Earning A Livelihood Is As difficuly As Splitting The Sea
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn discusses the conection the Talmud makes from earning a livelihood to splitting of the sea. What does this...

Parshas Beshalach-Staying Inspired-Rebroadcast
Do you ever get inspired? Do you feel that commitments you make to become better wear off? In this episode Rabbi Kohn discusses the...

Ep.116-Parshas Bo-The Legacy Of My Uncle-Rabbi Shmuel Kohn Z"T"L
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn discusses the legacy of his uncle Rabbi Shmuel Kohn who passed away suddenly this week. He makes a...

Parshas Bo- Understanding The Suffering Of Others-Rebroadcast
In this week's podcast Rabbi Kohn discusses how we should view the suffering of other people. When someone is troubled by something "minor" or...

Ep.115-Parshas Vaeira-How To Access Blessing In Your Life
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn discusses how to access the belssing that G-D has in store for us. Taking a lesson from the...

Parshas Vaeira-To Much Positivity-Rebroadcast
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn discusses how being how being overly positive in the wrong situations can be more harmful than helpful. He...