Latest Episodes

Parshas Vayaira-Rebroadcast 2023
In this week's Practical Parsha Podcast Rabbi Kohn discusses the only way one can have moral clarity. The true way to know if something...

Ep.105-Parshas Lech Lecha- Mastering Our Emotions
In this week's epispode Rabbi Kohn discusses how we can learn from Avraham how we deal with emotion. Is it okay to feel our...

Parshas Lech-Lecha Rebroadcast 2023
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn discusses how we learn an important lesson on dedication from Lot. How the challenge of following G-D is...

Ep.104-Parshas Noach-Who Do We Really Want To Win
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn takes a lesson from the Parsha and applies it to upcoming current events, The US Election. He talks...

Parshas Noach-Rebroadcast 2023
In this week's podcast Rabbi Kohn talks about a fascinating Rashi on the Parsha which says that Noach "believed but did not believe". What...

Ep.103-Parshas Vezos HaBracha-Bereishis-The Torah Never Ends
In this week's epiosde Rabbi Kohn does a double hitter. Due to Yom Tov going straight into Shabbos he is releasing 1 episode for...