In this week's episode of the Practical Parsha Podcast, Rabbi Kohn discusses the importance of having joy and enthusiam for mitzvos and the risks of it being lacking. He also finds a connection in the Parsha to the fact that we can never loose hope. That every person can always come close to G-D no matter were they find themselves now. Subscribe to The Practical Parsha Podcast. For questions or comments please email [email protected].To listen to Rabbi Kohn's other podcasts use these or
In thos week's episode Rabbi Kohn discusses the Torah's outlook on how diversity can be our strength. With a lesson from the Degalim(banners) of...
What does the last Parsha of the year have to do with new beginings? What messages can we take from it as we head...
In this week's podcast Rabbi Kohn talks about a fascinating Rashi on the Parsha which says that Noach "believed but did not believe". What...