Why does G-D perform miracles? Why are we always talking about the Exodus in Judaism? Why is it so important? In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn answers these questions from a fundamental essay from the Ramban(Nachmondies). Subscribe to The Practical Parsha Podcast. For questions or comments please email [email protected].To listen to Rabbi Kohn's other podcasts use these links- positiveperspectives.castos.com/ or the-pirkei-avos-podcast.castos.com/
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn discusses the concept of 1% changes. He gives over the speech tha the gave at the dinner that...
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn discusses how thinking about th epast can help us have Bitachon(trust in G-D) for the future. By realizing...
Do you ever get inspired? Do you feel that commitments you make to become better wear off? In this episode Rabbi Kohn discusses the...