How enthusiastic are you when it comes to mitzvos? Do you show the same level of excitement for spirituality as you do for your favorite sports team? In this week's Practical Parsha Podact Rabbi Kohn discusses a lesson from Yaakov on having the right atitude when it comes to serving G-D. Subscribe to The Practical Parsha Podcast. For questions or comments please email [email protected].To listen to Rabbi Kohn's other podcasts use these links- or
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn takes a lesson from Yisro(Jethro) the father in law of Moshe on the proper balance one must take...
In this week's episode of the Practical Parsha Podcast, Rabbi Kohn discusses the importance of having joy and enthusiam for mitzvos and the risks...
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn discusses the special mitzvos in this week's Parsha of setting up a court system and how it relates...