Latest Episodes
Ep.13-Parshas Nitzavim-New Beginings
What does the last Parsha of the year have to do with new beginings? What messages can we take from it as we head...
Ep.12-Parshas Ki Savo-Having Gratitude
In this weeks Practical Parsha Podcast Rabbi Kohn discusses the mitzah of Bikkurim(first fruits) and how it teaches us to have gratitude. He also...
Ep.11-Parshas Ki Seitzei-The Battle Royale of Life
In this episode Rabbi Kohn speaks about the commandment of Yifas Toar(The captive woman of beatiful form). He discusses the question why the Torah...
Ep.10-Parshas Shoftim- Overcoming Self Bribery and Bias
In this weeks Practical Parsha podcast Rabbi Kohn discusses self bribery. How we bribe ourselves to not recognize our own faults and how to...
Ep.9-Parshas Re'eh-The Blessing of Free Will
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn discusses the idea of free will. How evry person has it and how we can determine our own...
Ep.8-Parshas Devarim- Making Inspiration Last
Have you ever been inspired? Did that inspiration lead to meaningful change in your life? In this week's Practical Parsha Podcast Rabbi Kohn speaks...