In This week's episode of The Practical Parsha Podcast Rabbi Kohn discusses the atitude we need to have when it comes to our "real decisions". When faced with a question of physical vs spiritual what wins out? How do we view our material needs vs our spiritual? He also discusses a lesson from the Parsha on not giving up. Subscribe to The Practical Parsha Podcast. For questions or comments please email [email protected].To listen to Rabbi Kohn's other podcasts use these links- or
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn talks about what we do for love. How the 7 years of Yaakov(Jacob) working for Rachel seemed like...
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn discusses the concept of "Chaim"(life). What does the Torah teach us when it uses this word? He brings...
Did your mother ever tell you not to play with fire? Probably yes! In this weeks Practical Parsha Podcast Rabbi Kohn discusses how machlokes(fighting)...