Have you heard of Jacob's Ladder? Did you ever hear an explanation to its significance? In this weeks Practical Parsha Podcast Rabbi Kohn discusses how Jacob's ladder symbolizes our spiritual movement and growth in our lives. Subscribe to The Practical Parsha Podcast. For questions or comments please email [email protected].To listen to Rabbi Kohn's other podcasts use these links- positiveperspectives.castos.com/ or the-pirkei-avos-podcast.castos.com/
In this weeks episode Rabbi Kohn discusses the importance of living by example. The only way we can expect people to respect us is...
In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn takes a lesson from Yisro(Jethro) the father in law of Moshe on the proper balance one must take...
How do you stand up for what you beleive in? Do you fight the negative forces around you? Or is it better to keep...